Marie Nour Ghanem Sets the Frame for Driving Behavior and Safety Efforts
Psychology student Marie Nour Ghanem applied for the TLP-Transportation Safety project based on her strong belief in how the principles of psychology can play a major role in everyday life, in general, and in driving behavior in particular. The road map for the Transportation Safety project was very well structured going from theoretical concepts on road safety and road mobility, to data collection and data analysis, moving to hands-on learning. Throughout all phases, Ghanem could prove the relevance of psychology to behaviorism. During the data collection and data analysis phase, Ghanem analyzed the interaction of road safety and human factors to identify the personality, attitude, ability, and reliability of a driver through the psychological methods she acquired. Additionally, the project exposed Ghanem to get new knowledge from different areas: Data collection, data analysis, statistics, etc. in addition to a variety of soft skills such as teamwork, time management, and problem-solving skills. Although to project is not finalized yet, but it was well structured with a detailed project schedule that allowed Ghanem and her team to present it in front of key professionals in multidisciplinary domains and start-up’ CEOs during the TLP VIP+ Industry-Academia Workshop. “The support of the faculty, the positive and engaging work environment, the VIP course labs and workshops, all these factors helped me and the team members to shape our project” says Ghanem. “The TLP project opened for me new possibilities and horizons that helped me put real-world problems in a psychological approach.” She added.