Tomorrow’s Leaders Program

Success Stories

Karim Kassem Puts the World of Finance at the Service of Sustainability

Being passionate about numbers and starting from his belief that sustainable businesses deliver financial returns in the short and long term while generating positive value for society, a finance major student Karim Kassem found the TLP project a one-of-its-kind opportunity that will strike a good balance between making money on the one hand and ‘doing the right thing’ on the other. Kassem joined « The Lean Approach to Designing Susta inable Value Chains in Food, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries »- TLP project, a portfolio comprising three main projects, that focuses on developing a sustainable and lean value chain by reducing and/or valorizing waste across food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. While working on this portfolio project, Kassem gave recommendations on cost-cutting and efficiency, and risk mitigation while gaining new skills like teamwork, negotiation management, and critical thinking abilities. The novel ideas and the emerging technologies proposed allowed the project to score high in the evaluation phase and win the LAU VIP Innovation Award competition. Thanks to the TLP project Kassem could see things from a wider perspective allowing him to put finance at the service of sustainability.